Friday, September 25, 2020

Film Festival Reflection

 Hello Bloggers,

Complete your blog reflection on the film making process

Explain the steps. 

Reflection: Film Festival

How did you feel about the film making process and why?

I felt good and bad because it was hard and it was a bit easy on filming because we were making a lot of


What did you enjoy? I enjoy Acting In the sense.

What did you learn? I learnt How delete sense.

What was challenging? What was challenging was Doing planing.

If you could go back in time to the beginning of the term, what would you do differently? what if i can go

could go back in time I would change some sense.

What advice would you give to someone creating a film next year? I will show them How to act.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Hello bloggers,

Last week we were farming vegetable and fruits and i got cauliflower it a white brokely here is what it look like

Zoom in



Hello there Bloggers,

We cooked something called vegepasta it tasted yum when we made it the ingredients are cheeses , broccoli , ginger and carrot the cheeses and broccoli and ginger needs to be cut in small peaces and also the ginger need to be pealed and the carrot need to be pealed. thats all for my blog Bye! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My Pepha

Hello blogers this my Pepha

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Stressful ball

Hi there bloggers,
This is a Stressful ball it is made out of rise and balloons it was hard to make we need 3 lairs you can put stuff inside stuff like rice and orbs you can only put them if they are not spiky and big here it look like.