Monday, September 7, 2020

The Legend monster Seson 1

                                                                   New base with monsters

Once there was a crew that was in a base and the leader said “we should look for supplies and make sure to split up in a group of 4 someone has to be alone tho “ they started looking for suppliers and a guy from the crew found a beast. He started running as fast as he could with his horse and started running to his crew but he could not find his crew so he went to his base and waited 25 mins. When they came after 25 mins the guy who saw the monster tells everything about it while he was talking he heard a ground shaking the lights where moving as if it was gonna fall and break. 

Monster control

Everyone stayed quiet and hid under , tabble , behind the couch and also other places the monster that was seen earlier. one person got a camera and took a picture sneakily so he wouldn't get killed. He turned back to his base by then he was his base the monster left. When they were searching for clues why those monsters were here they found in the picture a flying ship no one was controlling it so they figured out that it was porbley the monster controlling it. Half of the crew was finding supplies and the other half of the crew was figuring out where they came from. 

Bridge with Monster

When the other half of the crew was done with the supplies they worked as a team where the monsters came from. The leader said “wait there was a bridge near us and the monster was close to it why would they be also facing it?” 1 of the crew Person said “ i don't know why they would '' then everyone was looking at the person who saw the monster first and he said “what? The monsters didn’t see me so why are you guys looking at me?” 

Huge Metal hallway base with Storm

the leader started making a huge metal base inside the base. While they were doing their job a huge storm came. They started to do their hard work. They were lucky because they finished right in time but a huge tornado started when they quickly ran to their base. 15 people were gone making rooms to surprise their leader when the others were making a metal base when they finished the leader just looked at a huge hallway underground with rooms and the leader said “Who made these rooms! It’s nice tho” the 15 peoplo came to the leader and told the leader. The leader said “how did you make this?” the 15 people said “We did this while you were making the metal base “. 


Everyone had rooms, they ran into their rooms and started to sleep. They were all tired. While there were sleeping a man with 5 people came and was sneaking up to see there plans to defeat the monster they ripped everything off but they almost got caught because 1 of them fall but they had to run because they heard someone was walking in the hallway going into their rooms in the next day the leader so the plans first so he went to his cameras and replayed it then photo his plans when everyone woke and H out of his rooms the leader  telled everyone follow me everyone saw the plans ripped the leader said “there is a man with 5 people somehow got into  our base and ripped our plans luckily i went to my office, looked into the footage and looked at the plans, i am gonna put the plans back” the Leader said.


The leader telled everyone we must make a name...  hmm?. The hidden man someone said, the leader said “maybe... but no if we have a better name” one yelled out ” the  MYSTERIOUS MAN” “Yes! That's a good name” the leader said. “But we also need a better plan because our plan is too bad we can be defeated easily” the leader said.

Monster plan 2

“I might have a plan” the leader said the leader plane was to get tight ropes puting traps making a base bigger getting more supplies better weapons and also making the base 5 x stronger  when they were doing their job the monster didn’t attack it was strange. 5 days later. They were done they  went to bed and their hands were tired. They were only a little bit sleepy.

Hole new big base

 A different monster was coming the knew because it has been long they made a another base a the monster everyone can build fast now the opened there gate they were early , the monster came fast tho they actually got their monster as there pet it was insane they they fed the monster the monster open an cage itself and it stayed there the monster new what was going on. it has been spying secretly but the base can hold 10,500 big cages. The big cages are 32 foot  and in the big space they only built 9,000 cages of 36 cages. The cages have 58km space for the monster. The base was 72 foot with 522000 km long. They also had over 5m food of sharks they grew they monsters to big monsters they made a shark spawner they had more people in there base there made an nuke 50 of them they also made cool jeeps that has 15 rocket Launcher , 10 AK-47 , 10 FN-P9 , 10 MG-4 , L86-LSW and 10 Inteneation there are 900,000 jeeps in there also planes and Helicopter the Helicopter has 12 AK-47 and 4 mini blast there were also guards around they have a AK-47 oslo some other guard has a inteneation oslo other guards in the base has a L86-LSW. Everyone had a party after making everything oslo the guards. they inf food because there is a machine all machine are shark (for Monsters and dragons) , fish (for Monsters and dragons) , water (for People and for Monsters and dragons) juice (for People) , Meat (for Monsters and dragons) and Wood (to build) the machines doesn't need any power it has inf power .

More Monsters 

But  there was 1 thing that is also the old base is still there they left it because they built more rooms but 1 thing The monsters are not coming anymore why? They went figuring out they had an answer the answer was because there are more monsters coming it made sense they figured by the monsters and dragons they weren't that much monsters and dragons before we made a metal base they’re were only 2 Monsters no dragons it was weird the leader telled 1 person find the first 2 monsters and follow the first 2 monsters.

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